



I'm try jQuery for dynamic Add/Remove row function, but I meet some question in IE8 , it's clone() objcet cannot modify element name and cannot use javascript form (prhIndexed[i].prhSrc).functionKey, but in FF it works very well, source code as attachment, please give me a favor to solve the problem.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

var _table = jQuery("#prh");    
var _tableBody = jQuery("tbody",_table);    

var _addRowBtn = jQuery("#controls #addRow");

var _addRowsNumber= jQuery("#controls #add_rows_number");   

var blankRowID = "blankRow";{                
    var newRow = jQuery("#"+blankRowID).clone(true)
                    .attr("style", "display: ''")
return false; 

function refreshTable(_table){

    var tableId = _table.attr('id');        
    var count =1; // ignore hidden column

    jQuery ( "#"+tableId ).find(".rowData").each(function(){

        jQuery(this).attr('id', tableId + "_" + count );//// update tr rowid
        count ++;           

    count =0;       
    jQuery ( "#"+tableId ).find("input[type='checkbox'][name^='"+tableId+"']").not(".checkBoxAll").each(function(){

        jQuery(this).attr('id', tableId + "_ckbox" + count );
        jQuery(this).attr('name', tableId + "_" + count ); // IE8 cannot modify name ??

        count ++;           


   <form >

<div id="controls">
    <table  width="350px" border="0">
            <input id="addRow"  type="button" name="addRows" value="Add Row" />                                     
            <input id="add_rows_number" type="text" name="add_rows_number" value="1" style="width:20px;" maxlength="2" />
            <input id="insertRow" type="button" name="insert" value="Insert Row" />
            <input id="removeRow" type="button" name="deleteRows" value="Delete Row" /> 

<table id="prh" width="350px" border="1">
        <tr class="listheader">
        <td nowrap width="21"><input type="checkbox" name="prh_" class="checkBoxAll"/></td>
        <td nowrap width="32">Sequence</td>
        <td nowrap width="153" align="center">Channel</td>
        <td nowrap width="200">Source</td>

        <!-- dummy row -->      
        <tr id='blankRow' style="display:none" >                
            <td><input type="checkbox" id='prh_ckbox0' name='prh_0' value=""/></td>
            <td align="right"><input type="text" name="prhIndexed[0].prhSeq" maxlength="10" value="" onkeydown="" onblur="" onfocus="" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;background-color:transparent;border:0;line-height:13pt;color: #993300;background-color:transparent;border:0;line-height:13pt;color: #993300;"></td>                
            <td><select name="prhIndexed[0].prhChannelproperty"><option value=""></option>
                <option value="A01">A01</option>
                <option value="A02">A02</option>
                <option value="A03">A03</option>
                <option value="A04">A04</option>
            <td><input type="text" name="prhIndexed[0].prhSrc" maxlength="6" value="new"  style="width:80px;background-color:#FFFFD7;">
                <div id='displayPrhSrcName0'></div>
        <!-- row data -->   
        <tr id='prh_1' class="rowData">
            <td><input type="checkbox" id='prh_ckbox1' name='prh_1' value=""/></td>
            <td align="right"><input type="text" name="prhIndexed[1].prhSeq" maxlength="10" value="1" onkeydown="" onblur="" onfocus="" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;background-color:transparent;border:0;line-height:13pt;color: #993300;background-color:transparent;border:0;line-height:13pt;color: #993300;"></td>               
            <td><select name="prhIndexed[1].prhChannelproperty"><option value=""></option>
                <option value="A01">A01</option>
                <option value="A02">A02</option>
                <option value="A03">A03</option>
                <option value="A04">A04</option>
            <td><input type="text" name="prhIndexed[1].prhSrc" maxlength="6" value="new"  style="width:80px;background-color:#FFFFD7;">
                <div id='displayPrhSrcName0'></div>


</form >
+4  A: 

I really recommend to ask specified, short and clear questions. Not many people are willing to crawl through all your code & markup to find an error for you.

I just noticed one thing, maybe it has to do with your problem:

var newRow = jQuery("#"+blankRowID).clone(true).appendTo(_tableBody)    
    .attr("style", "display: ''")

Several things here:

Modifiying the style with .attr() is not a good idea. Use jQuerys .css() function.

Setting display to an empty string like you do, is also not a good idea. Do:

.css('display', 'none') // to hide
.css('display', 'block') // to show

or natively

$('element').hide(); // to hide
$('element').show(); // to show

So basically that call should look like this:

var newRow = jQuery("#"+blankRowID).clone(true).appendTo(_tableBody)    
    .css("display", "block")
Thanks for your recommend, next time I'll be carefully
+1 for the sheer dedication! ;o) Although I wonder if by trying to set `display` to an empty string, the OP was trying to actually show the element? Looks like the `blankRow` being cloned starts of with `display:none` in the inline style attribute.
patrick dw
Fixed that :p.. Really I wouldn't have answered too if not that part would not have fallen into my view randomly.
The code is bad to smell, but my problem as title, its cannot modify elements name, something worng ? plz help me
what do you mean with `name`. The attribute? Try to use `.attr('name', 'new name');`
I'm for each to alert html as: jQuery ( "#"+tableId ).find(".rowData").each(function(){ jQuery(this).html() }); , but the name still the same with dummy row.

In last weet,I was redraw my table, the problem finised !!

        // update tr rowid
    jQuery ( "#"+tableId ).find(".rowData").each(function(){

        var rowHtml="<tr id='prh_"+count+"'class='refreshData'>"; // another class          

        var myRow = jQuery(this);

        jQuery('td', myRow).each(function(){
            rowHtml += "<td>";  

            var myTd = jQuery(this);

            jQuery ( myTd ).find("input[type='checkbox']").each(function(){

                var oldCkbox = jQuery(this);
                var ckboxName = oldCkbox.attr('name', 'prh_'+ count ).attr('name');

                var newCkbox = jQuery('<input type=checkbox name="' + ckboxName + '">');                    



            rowHtml += myTd.html();
            rowHtml += "</td>";

        rowHtml += "</tr>";
        // empty to clean clone event

        count ++;           
The key point as following (ReDraw the tr row):// empty to clean clone event jQuery(myRow).empty().addClass("rowData").removeClass("refreshData").html(rowHtml);