




I am a .NET developer looking for a job. I've talked to someone who works at Google and loves it there and I generally have a good feeling about working for that company because I love most of Google's products and services. But are they even interested in .NET developers? I had the impression they only use non-proprietary technologies.


I believe the Google Talk client is C#. I suspect they do.

Edit: According to this, I'm wrong. Could have sworn that the Windows client was written in C#.


Edit 2: And there come the no fun police....

Chris Stewart
+2  A: 

Yes, they do, here's a famous one. In fact Google hire good developers, they don't care about technology because good developers know all technologies :-)

Darin Dimitrov
He doesn't use C# for work stuff, though.
Joel Coehoorn
+2  A: 

Well, Google tells you a lot of this on it's website.

Primarily C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, I think.

I think you meant proprietary? They use primarily non-proprietary languages, and some homegrown libraries on top of that.

Dean J