Here is my scenario. I am using Quicktest Pro (VB) to create an ActiveX object from a Labview VI that I built into an executable. In the build specs of the VI I have enabled ActiveX server option (ActiveX server name: "MyLabviewProgram") and in the VI Tools>Options>VI Server: Configuration the ActiveX box is checked.
So in QTP my code is:
Set IvApp = CreateObject("MyLabviewProgram.Application")
Set Vi = IvApp.getVIReference("")
Vi.Call ParamNames, ParamVals
Upon running this I get a Run Error on the first line:
ActiveX component can't create object: 'MyLabviewProgram.Application'
I am having trouble figuring out why it errors. From National Instruments website they have a step in on one of their community pages about "LabVIEW Executable Used as ActiveX Server". The step is after building the EXE, 5. Run the EXE at least once on the target to activate the .TLB file. I've run the executable but not sure what they mean by on the target.
Does anyone have a suggestion on what I need to do to get this working?