



I want to make a custom dropdow/popup menu with a shadow nicely beneath it. The problem is that it is not a standard menu and I need to put some components on the popup/dropdown. So basically I want a dropdown I can do whatever I want with, not being limited to simple menuitems. I want it to act like a normal popupmenu problem is where do I start. Any solutions? References?

+3  A: 

You can use TPopupMenu and provide custom drawing. This is done by setting

PopupMenu1.OwnerDraw := True;

Then code the OnMeasureItem() or OnAdvancedDrawItem() Event to determine the size you need for the custom painting. Then code the OnDrawItem() Event to paint the canvas as desired.

This article details on custom implementation of these these events.

Robert Love
Hi Robert,Thank you for that link but I do not think I can put a scrollbar on a tpopupmenu but it is a nice article.I am trying to mimic the dropdown of the breadcrumb bar in Vista so I must be able to add a scrollbar or listview onto the dropdown panel.
Roy M Klever
Then the TPopupMenu can not be used. The closest thing I have seen that might do that is a commercial product from TMS Software called Advanced Poly Lists. Although I have a license to it I have not had a chance to use it yet as it was just released.
Robert Love
Thank you Robert, I guess it is a rather difficult task but I have had some success in trying to get a panel acting like a popup/dropdown with a dropshadow. It is good to see I have some option if this do not work out like I want it too.
Roy M Klever
+2  A: 

It sounds like you want a form that looks like a popup menu, but contains components.

It is easier if you have a component that has an OnMouseDown event, like the TPanel shown in this sample, and you just pop up a second form which contains the controls you wanted to pop up:

procedure TForm3.JvPanel1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if Button=mbRight then
        FDown := true
        FDown := false;

procedure TForm3.JvPanel1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if Button=mbRight then begin
        FDown := true;
        pt.X := jvPanel1.Left;
        pt.Y := jvPanel1.Top+jvPanel1.Height;

        pt := ClientToScreen(pt);
        Form4.Position := poDesigned;
        Form4.BorderStyle := bsNone;
        Form4.Left := pt.X;
        Form4.Top := pt.Y;


That handles the form showing itself, and positioning itself to look like a popup. the second form hiding itself, is easy too:

procedure TForm4.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);

alt text

Warren P
Thanks,yes that could be a solution but not exactly what I need, as I want it to resemble a popupmenu with a shadow. I do have a solution now that will show a panel with dropshadow and behaves more or less as a popupmenu. I dont know if I can post the full solution here but I will post it on my blog sooner or later. Any limits on code size you can post here?
Roy M Klever

For what it is worth, the drop shadow aspect of the popup has now been tackled and solved in this question.
