




I have a "basic" license agreement screen for now, a Screen with a title set and vertical field containing a textfield, separatorfield and then 2 buttons (accept or decline).

The license is pretty long, it's annoying going all the way down (except with the storm it's pretty easy) and I want a kind of popup screen showing the license and the 2 buttons at the bottom. To give you an example, the exact SAME as the Facebook or App World application's license screen agreement!

When you scroll the text, it's going a lot faster and it's visualy great.

Thank you!

+1  A: 

I use a popup screen (subclassed) with a richtextfield (RTF) on it. You can size the popupscreen and change the font size of the text (ie. scrolls faster). The combination does the trick for me. The agree/disagree buttons you can then have either right at the bottom underneath the RTF.

see screenshot:
Thank you! I have still an issue, my popupscreen has a white background. I'm already in the event dispatcher when I push this screen. I guess that's why I don't see the Downloads folder in background. Any suggestion to fix that?
are you extending MainScreen or PopupScreen? A white background sounds like MainScreen or a derived class that overrides paint or paintbackground?public class EulaScreen extends net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen {....}}