



The question pretty much says it all.

Does anyone know of any way to get the collection classes from the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace in .NET 3.5?

I guess what I'm asking is whether anyone has gone through the trouble of porting these classes to their own DLL that could be accessed from .NET 3.5.

+3  A: 

No, they are in the 4.0 version of System.dll. So trying to pull that in to a 3.5 app would not work.

Rex M
@Rex M: I just discovered that they in fact *are* available in .NET 3.5, as part of the Rx extensions library.
Dan Tao
@Dan great! There is nothing I know of in those classes that are dependent on the 4.0 runtime, so the implementation could be copied into any 3.5 assembly.
Rex M
+1  A: 

I just discovered this by accident.

It turns out these collections were available all along through Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) library, which is available for .NET 3.5, and which in fact I have been using already for some time (just never realized they were there).

The System.Collections.Concurrent namespace is provided by System.Threading.dll.

Just posting this here for posterity.

Dan Tao