




Can someone please help?

I use Google code’s Moq framework for mocking within my Unit Tests and Unity for Dependency Injection.

In my Test class

private Mock<ICustomerSearchService> CustomerSearchServiceMock = null;
private CustomerService customerService = null;

private void SetupMainData()
    CustomerSearchServiceMock = new Mock<ICustomerSearchService>();
    customerService = new CustomerService ();

    // CustomerSearchService is a property in CustomerService and dependency is  configuered via Unity
    customerService.CustomerSearchService = CustomerSearchServiceMock.Object;

     Customer c = new Customer ()
         ID = "AT"

     CustomerSearchServiceMock.Setup(s => s.GetCustomer(EqualsCondition)).Returns(c); 

public void GetCustomerData_Test_Method()
    var customer = customerService.GetCustomerData("AT");

 public static bool EqualsCondition(Customer customer)
     return customer.ID.Equals("AT");

CustomerService class

public class CustomerService : ICustomerService

    public ICustomerSearchService CustomerSearchService { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<SomeObject> GetCustomerData(string custID)

      I GET Null for customer ?????}
      var customer = CustomerSearchService.GetCustomer (c => c.ID.Equals(custID));

       //Do more things

When I debug the code I can see CustomerSearchService has a proxy object, but the customer returns as null. Any ideas? Or is there something missing here?

Note: ICustomerSearchService I have implemented below method.

     Customer GetCustomer(Func<Customer, bool> predicate);

I've seen this problem in Rhino.Mocks too (mocking, lambdas and stubbing/expectations). See:


Patrick Steele