



I have the following Subsonic 3.0 query, which contains a nested NotIn query:

public List<Order> GetRandomOrdersForNoReason(int shopId, int typeId)
    // build query    
    var q = new SubSonic.Query.Select().Top("1")
            new Subsonic.Query.Select("CustomerId")

    // Output query

    // returned typed list
    return q.ExecuteTypedList<Order>();

The internal query appears to be incorrect:

 FROM [Order]
 WHERE ShopId = @0 AND CustomerId NOT IN (SELECT CustomerId
 FROM [Customer]
 WHERE TypeId = @0)

You'll notice that both parameters are @0. I'm assuming that the parameters are enumerated (starting at zero), for each "new" Select query. However, in this case where the two Select queries are nested, I would have expected the output to have two parameters named @0 and @1.

My query is based on one that Rob Conery gave on his blog as a preview of the "Pakala" query tool that became Subsonic 3. His example was:

int records = new Select(Northwind.Product.Schema)
        new Select("productid").From(Northwind.Product.Schema)

Has anyone else seen this behavior? Is it a bug, or is this an error or my part? Since I'm new to Subsonic I'm guessing that this probably programmer error on my part but I'd like confirmation if possible.

+1  A: 

I'm not sure about SubSonic 3 but in SubSonic 2 if you would run this code the inner query would be executed first and the second query would have the CategoryIds allready defined as a parameter in the query.
Maybe this is a bug and you should post it on github.

Anyway you could make your query work for the moment and behave like a SubSonic 2 Subquery with this little change:

var q = new SubSonic.Query.Select().Top("1")
        new Subsonic.Query.Select("CustomerId")

NotIn should take a IEnumerable as a parameter but q will contain the whole list of CustomerIds as a parameter before the outer part is executed.

Not a real solution but a quick fix for the moment (if it doesn't affect performance to much).
