The url shows the expected request.
If you'll overwrite the SoapClient::__doRequest function, you can check what you're sending.
(don't forget to call the parent::__doRequest())
You can even change the xml to make .net specific changes.
To bad SOAP doesn't always work out of the box between different language.
I've had problems with php 5.2.0 (debian) and a java soap-server, the problem disappeared in thin air when i upgraded to php version 5.2.8
A comment on the __doRequest manpage suggests:
class MSSoapClient extends SoapClient {
function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version) {
$namespace = "";
$request = preg_replace('/<ns1:(\w+)/', '<$1 xmlns="'.$namespace.'"', $request, 1);
$request = preg_replace('/<ns1:(\w+)/', '<$1', $request);
$request = str_replace(array('/ns1:', 'xmlns:ns1="'.$namespace.'"'), array('/', ''), $request);
// parent call
return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);
$client = new MSSoapClient(...);
But this comment is from 2007, so your mileage may vary.