



Is it possible to create a table which has a check constraint on one of the column whose value lies within the result set given by another sql query


create table tablename
name varchar(10),
rollno int
)check rollno in (select rollno from anotherDatabase.TableName,candidateRoll)

or any thing like that.

I dont have to use it anywhere but still want to know.

+1  A: 

Yes: foreign key for same database links

create table tablename
name varchar(10),
rollno int FOREIGN KEY (candidateRoll) REFERENCES OtherTableName (candidateRoll)

If it's a different database then use code e.g. insert via stored proc or enforce via a trigger

But It is not possible to apply cross database relation
@Madhivanan: strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a "cross database relation". If it's related, it's the same database. I mentioned triggers and stored procedures for this scenario too
+2  A: 

If you can't achieve what you want with a foreign key reference, so you can if you wrap the SELECT statement in a function call.

Your check constraint expression may look something like:

(dbo.SomeFunction([col1]) != 0)

The function might look like this (assuming the column is a varchar):

create function dbo.SomeFunction(@arg varchar(max))
returns bit
    select count(*) from SomeOthertable where col2 = @arg

EDIT (2010/06/9): Regarding Anthony's comment, my testing has shown that a count(*) value of greater than 1 is still returned as 1. So it would seem that the function is okay, even though it should probably explicitly return 1 or 0. Or, if you are interested in the actual rowcount, change the return type from BIT to INT.

Quick Joe Smith
Good solution. The implicit converson from int to bit is slightly scary though, What happens if COUNT(*) > 1?
Anthony Faull
Yes good point. I've so far only used this approach on primary keys so the possibility of COUNT(*) > 1 is nil.
Quick Joe Smith