Does fetching the countries have to happen as the entity is loaded - it is acceptable that you run a query to fetch these? (You could amend your DAO to run the query after fetching the entity.) The reason I ask is that simply running a query compared to having custom code invoked when entities are loaded requires less "plumbing" and framework innards.
After fecthing your entity, and you have the Country1,Country2 lists, You can run a query like:
select c from Country c where in (:Country1)
passing :Country1 as a named parameter. You culd also retrieve all rows for both sets of countries
select Entity e where in (:Country1, :Country2)
I'm hoping the country1 & country2 strings can be used as they are, but I have a feeling this won't work. If so, you should convert the Strings to a collection of Integers and pass the collection as the query parameter.
EDIT: The "plumbing" to make this more transparent comes in the form of the IInterceptor interface. This allows you to plug in to how entities are loaded, saved, updated, flushed etc. Your entity will look something like this
class MyEntity
IList<Country> Country1;
IList<Country> Country2;
// with public getter/setters
String Country1IDs;
String Country2IDs;
// protected getter and setter for NHibernate
Although the domain object has two representations of the list - the actual entities, and the list of IDs, this is the same intrusion that you have when declaring a regular ID field in an entity. The collections (country1 and Country2) are not persisted in the mapping file.
With this in place, you provide an IInterceptor implementation that hooks the loading and saving. On loading, you fetch the value of the countryXID property an use to load the list of countries (as I described above.) On saving, you turn the IList of countries into an ID list, and save this value.
I couldn't find the documentation for IInterceptor, but there are many projects on the net using it. The interface is described in this article.