




I am trying to find all deals information along with how many comments they have received. My query

select deals.*,
       count(comments.comments_id) as counts
from deals 
left join comments on comments.deal_id=deals.deal_id 
    where cancelled='N'

But now it only shows the deals that have at least one comment. What is the problem?


Try changing left join to right outer join

Left join cannot be inner. It's always OUTER.
+2  A: 

You missed GROUP BY

select deals.*, count(comments.comments_id) as counts 
from deals 
left join comments on comments.deal_id=deals.deal_id 
where cancelled='N'
GROUP BY deals.deal_id
Works. Thanks a lot. But why need GROUP BY
Aggregate function (`count` in this case) is applied to a group. The group is defined in GROUP BY clause. As far as I remember, standard SQL requires that all nonaggregated columns in SELECT to appear in GROUP BY ( in your case you would need to add GROUP BY deals.deal_id, deals.field2,... deals.field_N). However, Mysql extension ignores this requirement (there is a good reason for that in some cases). If you used a different SQL server, you'd likely get an error instead of unexpected results.
group by aggregates the count to each deal - otherwise you would get a grand total
I wince because this query still relies on MySQL's hidden columns in the group by: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-hidden-columns.html
OMG Ponies

Is 'cancelled' a column of comments? If so, you need to move "cancelled='N'" from the WHERE clause to the ON clause (from deals left join comments on comments.deal_id = deals.deal_id AND comments.cancelled='N') or do the filtering in an inline view (from deals left join (select * from comments where cancelled='N') comments on comments.deal_id = deals.deal_id) since filtering it in the where clause will drop all rows where cancelled is null.
