



The use case is to have an application store data on the client side when offline. Is it advisable to use the Web SQL Database (which Chrome and Safari support, not FF though), or wait for the browsers to implement the Indexed Database API?


If you need Firefox support, then obviously no.


It looks like WebSQL is on it's way out, to be replaced by IndexedDB support. Firefox and Internet Explorer have no plans to support WebSQL, they want to implement IndexedDB for Firefox 4 and IE9. Chrome is busy implementing it to, I'm sure Opera and Safari will follow suit.

Currently all HTML5 capable browsers (and some IE versions) support LocalStorage which is a simple key/value database that can only store strings, so if you need more structured storage capabilities, you'll have to wait until the end of this year (approx) for broad IndexedDB support.

Sunday Ironfoot
I am looking for a structured storage, may be CouchDB is probably the choice for now.
CouchDB won't run in the browser (AFAIK), it's a database technology that runs on the server, so it won't work with HTML5 Offline Storage.
Sunday Ironfoot
"It looks like WebSQL is on it's way out, to be replaced by IndexedDB support"Is this really the case? I've seen some discussion of the subject... Google only announced Chrome Web SQL support on 25 January: Safari has continued to support Web SQL since Safari 3.1 and iPhone OS 2.0:
Sam Dutton
Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari) have had WebSQL support for a while, and will continue to include it for quite some time (once you add something, it takes a very long time to remove it because of backwards compatibility concerns). Look at this way, both IE and Firefox won't be implementing WebSql and those are the two largest browsers in the world in market share, so that kinda rules out WebSql. An interim solution might be to have both Sql and IndexedDB code on your web apps, but that's a very temporary solution, both the Webkit browsers (and Opera) will implement IndexedDB eventually.
Sunday Ironfoot