Hi. I'm fairly new to jQuery. I have a Jquery datepicker in a user control. I have added a "disable" property to the datepicker. Whenever I save the page(having this usercontrol) the datepicker with disable set to true is empty. All other datepickers save fine.
Here is my code.
< USERCONTROL:DATEPICKER id="dpBirthDate" startyear="1980" runat="server" Disable=true>
ASCX < input type="text" size="8" runat="server" id="txtDate" name="txtDate" onblur="ValidateForm(this.id);" />
ASCX Code Behind
Public Property Disable() As Boolean
Return (txtDate.Disabled = True)
End Get
Set(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
If (bValue = True) Then
txtDate.Attributes.Add("Disabled", "True")
End If
End Set
End Property
My Jquery
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input[id$=txtDate]").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '<%=ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("BASE_DIRECTORY")%>/Images/el-calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true });
$("input[id$=txtDate]").mask("99/99/9999", { placeholder: " " });
//Disable datepicker if "disable=true"
$("input[id$=txtDate]").each(function() {
if ($("input[id$=" + this.id + "]").attr("Disabled") == "True") {
$("input[id$=" + this.id + "]").datepicker("disable");
else if ($("input[id$=" + this.id + "]").attr("Disabled") == "False") {
$("input[id$=" + this.id + "]").datepicker("enable");
I am sorry, I am not sure how to format the code here. I apologies for the cluttered code. Can anybody tell me why the datepicker value is empty when it is disabled but works fine otherwise? Thanks is advance.