




hi implementing an wcf service that executes scripts (C# code) saved in a specific folder. but i have a problem it crashes in all pcs except the pc that im developing in all are the same edition of win7 . How ican see why it's crashing ?

the WCf service is hosted in a windows service


Check out the Event Viewer, both in the Application and System sections. That might give you some clues.

Also, security is a possibility since it only runs on the dev machine. But I'd start with the events.

Christopher Estep
iin the event log under applications it shows:Name faulty implementation ScrablerServiceHost.exe, version, time stamp 0x4c0e5f84Name faulty module clr.dll, version 4.0.30319.1, time stamp 0x4ba21eebCode exception: 0xc00000fdOffset error: 0x0000000000004be7Faulty process ID: 0x1128Time of application defects: 0x01cb0767e0795100Document defective application: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Paris Koutsioukis \ Scrabler Service \ ScrablerServiceHost.exeDocument ellatomatikis module: C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v4.0.30319 \ clr.dll
Angarato Surion
i translate it with google translate , because i use the greek version of win7
Angarato Surion
A! im runing under the NetworkService Account iwant to accept connections from lan , idont know what happens if i use localsystem account
Angarato Surion