Hi, I am writing some kind of search engine for my web application and i have a problem. I have 2 tables first of is projects table:
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
employer_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
project_title varchar(100) NO MUL NULL
project_description text NO NULL
project_budget int(11) NO NULL
project_allowedtime int(11) NO NULL
project_deadline datetime NO NULL
total_bids int(11) NO NULL
average_bid int(11) NO NULL
created datetime NO MUL NULL
active tinyint(1) NO MUL NULL
project_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
skill_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
For example: I want ask this query to database:
1-) Skills are 5 and 7.
2-) Order results by created
3-) project title contains "php" word.
4-) Returned rows should contain projects.* columuns.
5-) Projects should be distinct(i don't want same projects in return of query).
Please write sql query that ensure these conditions. Thank You.