



I am currently studying Fitch Format first order logic proofs. My lecturer follows closely Language, Proof and Logic by Jon Barwise.

I am trying to do some proofs but I am having some trouble getting to understand how to do these proofs. As I have already read what Language Proof and Logic has to offer, I'd like to know if there are any other books or resources around that use the Fitch format for their formal proofs.

Plus, having solved exercises would be of great(!) help.


+1  A: 

I'm fairly confident that LPL's exact Fitch format is unique to LPL. The general Fitch-style proof concept comes from Fitch himself ( though it is probably not much of a help for you.

There are answers to selected exercises here:

Though I think your best bet is to ask your instructor specific questions or work with a group of classmates.

That's good to know. I thought it was a general format for doing first order logic proofs. No wonder I was having trouble finding references to it in other FOL books. Thanks
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