



Differently styled HTML elements in all browser's default css is the only factor for the different looks in different browser of website? Which can be solved by reset css

Can we achieve same look with CSS only?

Is there any other factors related to cross browser compatibility?

+2  A: 

Is there any other factors related to cross browser compatibility?

Of course — browser bugs and quirks that aren’t addressed by web developers in their CSS.

Mathias Bynens

you should check this principle of cross browser css you can find here and every browser have default setting when we doesn't define anything in our css than this occur like a bug or a error and our site look different in browser.

kc rajput
thx for reply this is not my question. my question is are there any other factors?
@metal-gear-solid of course reset css is also a part of css! and you can find all factor in link.
kc rajput
+1  A: 

There are a lot of factors, for example:

  • Differences in the default styles (as you mentioned)
  • Different set of installed fonts
  • Different system settings for text smoothing
  • Different settings for text size and zoom
  • Varying support for standardised features (1)
  • Varying support for non-standard features (2)
  • Non-standard implementation of standards (bugs)
  • Different strategies for dealing with errors in the code

(1) Different browsers support different standards up to a certain version, for example CSS 2.1. The standards targeted varies, and also there is often a few features missing from making the support 100% complete.

(2) Browsers support different features that are not yet standardized (or never will be). Especially Internet Explorer has a lot of non-standard features, which of course doesn't work in other browsers.

+1 thanks for good answer . can u pls give more details on #5 and #6