



In a report a have a cell that contains a System.Decimal type value. I am using the cells format property to format the value to "D2". This works in VS but not when I run the report on the report server or in my application. If I switch the format string to "0.00" then it works. The confusing part is that it seems that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Does anyone have any viable explaination for this? I'm not particularly confortable with saying "sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't"! Is this something that might happen when you have a report written in VS2005 but is running using sql server 2008. I ask because I noticed that when we run the report in our application which is using sql server 2005 it works fine but when we run it against the application where the report is VS2005 and the sql server is 2008 that is where the issue occurs. This doesn't appear to be an issue when using a format string like "C2". Thanks.