



I'm working with Ruby on rails 2.3.8, NetBeans IDE.

I've installed paperclip and I could show/save images successfully. Now, I've installed ImageMagick-6.6.2-4-Q16(for windows 7, 64bits).

Until that moment, my model looked like this(and worked fine):

has_attached_file :photo

Now, after installing ImageMagick, when I add the :style line it fails:

has_attached_file :photo,
    :styles => {:thumb => "100x100#",   :small => "150x150>",   :large => "400x400>" }

and it throws the following error message when I try to upload an image:

 TypeError in ProfilesController#update

backtrace must be Array of String

The only thing I'm doing in the update action of that controller is the following:

  @profile.update_attribute(:photo, params[:profile][:photo])

I've also installed miniMagick gem(because I read somewhere I had to do it).

What am I missing?


Try to download the paperclip version, higher versions failed to me.

I'll try, thank you. Anyway, I hired a hosting and tried my app in Linux and paperclip + ImageMagick works fine. I think I'll have to deal with that until I find a real solution.
Brian Roisentul