



Chrome (or any other webkit browser) throws a ton of these "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL..." when working with the Facebook API for example.

It doesn't interfere with actual operation, but it does make the javascript console basically unusable.

I'd like to know if there is a way to suppress these errors specifically in the console? Or if there are other solutions you guys can think of, I would really appreciate it.



Remove the basic authentication to your web site and test it again.

Yusuf Demirag
don't have basic authentication on
Neil Sarkar
+2  A: 

You could allow cross-domain requests during testing by running chrome with the --disable-web-security command line option. This should probably get rid of the error (and allow FB to spy on your testing ;)

hmm that's there a way to set the option that way aside from the command line? I tried this from the command line: `/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security` and it seemed to work! but it said it wasn't able to load my profile...any idea how to set that flag from within the app, or set it to default to that?
Neil Sarkar

Hy, did you solved this problem? I also stumbeled over this when I went from post to the new api, but it gives the error "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL..." and also enters a loop, giving the error over and over again... Thanks in advance.

I just moved back to firebug for javascript debugging...I was really trying to like web inspector but I'm still significantly faster in firebug so it's worth it. Kind of annoying to use one browser for browsing and one for debugging but for me it's better than debugging in chrome or browsing in firefox
Neil Sarkar