



I have a windows forms (using c#) application. It displays a webpage and has a textbox/botton combination which can be used to search for text displayed to the user. Currently I search the inner text of all elements for the text in the textbox. And then I weed out the elements that are redundant (for example a word could be in a 'p' and 'b' element where the 'b' is a child element of 'p' so the element returned should be 'b'). Finally I run the ScrollIntoView(true) method on the found element.

I'd now like to add a function that highlights the text (like if you search for a term in a real webbrowser). My first thought was to just inject html and or javascript code around the text but that seems like a messy solution.

Any ideas on how I should do this? Thanks for your help!


Here's an article that shows you how to do this.

Shawn Steward
Thanks, but that solution injects html into the page which could mess up the layout and I'm trying to avoid that route. I found a link on that page that tries to do it with javascript though and I'll take a look at it.