



I want inject a implementation of my Interface in the WCF but I want initialize my container of Dependency Injection in the Client of the WCF. So I can have a different implementation for each client of the my service.

Help me please.

+3  A: 

When you use svcutil.exe or the Add Service Reference wizard in Visual Studio, one of the many types auto-generated will be a client interface. Let's call it IMyService. There will also be another auto-generated interface called something like IMyServiceChannel that implements IMyService and IDisposable. Use this abstraction in the rest of your client application.

Since you want to be able to create a new channel and close it again, you can introduce an Abstract Factory:

public interface IMyServiceFactory
    IMyServiceChannel CreateChannel();

In the rest of your client application, you can take a dependency on IMyServiceFactory:

public class MyClient
    private readonly IMyServiceFactory factory;

    public MyClient(IMyServiceFactory factory)
        if (factory == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");

        this.factory = factory;

    // Use the WCF proxy
    public string Foo(string bar)
        using(var proxy = this.factory.CreateChannel())
            return proxy.Foo(bar);

You can create a concrete implementation of IMyServiceFactory that wraps WCF's ChannelFactory<T> as an implementation:

public MyServiceFactory : IMyServiceFactory
    public IMServiceChannel CreateChannel()
        return new ChannelFactory<IMyServiceChannel>().CreateChannel();

You can now configure your DI Container by mapping IMyServiceFactory to MyServiceFactory. Here's how it's done in Castle Windsor:


Bonus info: Here's how to wire up a WCF service with a DI Container.

Mark Seemann
Ok, but How I do to inject in service a custom implementation of a class? Example: public interface ISendMail{ seng(string subject, string message, string to); }. I want implement a class different for each client and in the client I inject this implementation in the WCF Service.Tks
Diego Dias

Ok, but How I do to inject in service a custom implementation of a class? Example: public interface ISendMail{ seng(string subject, string message, string to); }. I want implement a class different for each client and in the client I inject this implementation in the WCF Service

Diego Dias