I want to build user friendly error reporting. Wrong input, db connection errors and such. Problem is i need the same module be implemented for 3 different systems and to use jQuery UI modal boxes for UI.
- when i redirect to another page ie. db connection error i redirect to error page
- when i use return to same page ie. input value 1 bigger than value 2 when it should be other way around
- ASP.NET Ajax UpdatePanel errors, wrong input for controls within UpdatePanel that doesn't do regular postpacks.
thanks for any help with implementation...
To clarify my question
I don't need input or object validation framework. I use ASP.NET and my own business logic to validate on client and server side.
what i really need is
Help with constructing a class that will show errors to users, current process is i catch exception, wrong input value or wrong link and based on that show user friendly message. I have no time and interest in learning logging framework as from my short experience to configure any pre-made high level framework (low level to me is ASP.NET) is harder that to have your own business logic and sometimes requires application re-design... anyways... My question is pretty clear above. I need way to show centralized messages using jQuery UI.
When i redirect to another page i can save error in Session and get it on other page, if i use return to same page i cannot use Session and had no luck with overriding MasterPage public variables. When i have Ajax UpdatePanel i want again to validate data and show jQuery UI modal...
thats all