



Hi there. I'm having some problems with the query that wordpress runs. That's the one:

SELECT DISTINCT ID,post_title,post_date,post_content,MATCH(post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('S') AS score FROM wp_posts WHERE MATCH (post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('S') AND post_date <= 'S' AND post_status = 'S' AND id != N AND post_type = 'S' ORDER BY score DESC

When I'm running this query in phpmyadmin it says that N column doesn't exist so clause "AND id != N" si not making any sense. I ran the query again without this clause and db behaved like fully optimized one. Please can someone give me a hint on that? My questions are: What this clause is used for? What wordpress is trying to find by running this and Can I modify core wordpress files to get rid of this clause? Any response or help greatly appreciated!!