Hi guys,
I am building an rss feed and i have this for description:
string sDescription = "<a href=\"" + sLink+"\"><img style=\"padding:10px\" align=\"left\" style=\"padding:10px\" width=\""+CImageDimensions.getProductImageDetailedWidth(CCategorii.CARTI_ID,
book.Carti_id) + "\" src=\"" + PathsUtil.getBaseUrl() + control.ResolveUrl(ImageUtils.getThumbnailUrl(book.Poza_1)) + "\"/></a><div style=\"padding: 10px\"><p>" + book.Descriere_mica + "</p></div>";
You see that i put a little bit of padding to the img attribute:
I do not understand why this is not loaded...I mean, in FF i see:
<img width="130" align="left" src="http://localhost:2440/gramma_prod/Images/Carti/Opere_complete_si_scoliile_Sfintului_Maxim_Marturisitorul1.Dionisie Aeropagitul_thumb.jpg"/>
All others attributes of img tag are taken correctly but style is missing...
Do you have any ideea why?