



The following code doesn't work as I intuitively expect it to:

function MyObject(input) {
   this.X = undefined;

MyObject.prototype._foo = function() {
   alert("This code is never called");
   // but if it did
   this.X = true;

var test_input = $("input#xyz"); // a random, existing input

var m = MyObject(test_input); // attach handler (or try to)

test_input.change(); // trigger event

alert(m.X); // undefined

I'd expect that _foo() would be called (and, if that ever happens, that the this variable in _foo() would be an instantiation of MyObject.

Does anyone know why this doesn't work, and of any alternative pattern for passing an object to an event handler?

Thank you for reading.


+2  A: 

To create an object in Javascript, use new.

var m = new MyObject(test_input); // attach handler (or try to)
@KennyTM - I've been trying to avoid `new`, as Douglas Crockford suggests, but you're correct in pointing out at least this one fault with the code. :)
Brian M. Hunt
@Brian: Without using `new`, `this` inside `MyObject` points to `window`, rather than the "instance" of `MyObject`. I put "instance" within quotes, as by not wanting to use `new`, you're never going to create instances of anything.
+2  A: 

As Kenny points out you're missing the new. You also need to make sure that this in _foo refers to the MyObject instance
One way to do it:-

function MyObject( input ) {
    var _this = this;
    input.change( function() {
       // explicitly set the `this` in _foo to `_this` _this );
   this.X = undefined;

MyObject.prototype._foo = function( event ) {
   alert("This is called");
   // and 'this', being 'm', has X set to true
   this.X = true;
   // the textbox must be accessed by '' not 'this' if you need it

var test_input = jQuery("input#xyz"); // a random, existing input

var m = new MyObject(test_input); // attach handler (or try to)

test_input.change(); // trigger event

alert(m.X); // true

P.S You can't avoid using the new operator by leaving it out! :)
