




OK so I've got 2 tables for this instance, Users{UserID, Name}, Company{CompanyID, UserID, Name, Payrate}

i also have 2 combo boxes, first one is for Users which Displays Name, and the Value is UserID i need the second combobox to get the Names from the Company table, but only showing Companies that are relevant to the selected user. I cant work out how to get it to go...

Any ideas???


What language? C#, VB.NET ? Is this a web app or Windows app? Do you have associations setup in your datacontext to link Company.UserID (child) back to Users.UserID (parent) ?

Rodney Burton
this sounds like it would be better as a comment to the question instead of an answer :)
James Manning
Yes im using C# WinForm app yes i have that association

if it's asp.net and on .net 4, there's some new support for doing the filtering declaratively

if you can't or don't want to use that, then i'd make sure you're using a linqdatasource to populate and use the Selecting event on the LinqDataSource - in there, you can set e.Result to the specific linq query you want to return (against the company table, i assume), which in your case will include a 'where' for filtering to the UserID (selected value) from the other combobox

James Manning