



To be more specific, if I create a symmetric key with a specific KEY_SOURCE and ALGORITHM (as described here), is there any way that I can set up the same key and algorithm in C# so that I can encrypt data in code, but have that data decrypted by the symmetric key in Sql Server?

From the research I've done so far, it seems that the IDENTITY_VALUE for the key is also baked into the cypher text, making things even more complex.

I'm thinking about just trying all the various ways I can think of, ie hashing the KEY_SOURCE using different hash algorithms for a key and trying different ways of encrypting the plain text until I get something that works. Or is that just futile?

Has anyone else done this, any pointers?


Just to clarify, I want to use NHibernate on the client side, but theres a bunch of stored procedures on the database side that still perform decryption.


Are you opposed to encrypting the data in SQL Server?

Not knowing the requirements of your application, from an architectural standpoint I would stick to encrypting & decrypting on the SQL side.

However, I can only speculate that one reason you'd want to do this is that you might not trust the transporation medium between your application & your SQL Server, and you want to encrypt the TSQL going across that channel in case it is intercepted.

If this is the case - I'd suggest looking into SSL HTTP endpoints in SQL Server, as those might be a viable option.

Reagan Williams
Sorry should have been more clear, the exact requirement is that I want to use NHibernate on the client side, but theres a bunch of stored procedures that perform decryption on the database side, I'll update the question.
Robert Byrne