




I've written a game in C# with SDL.NET and OpenGL. I want to add a menu to it, for which I need Qt. What bindings do you recommend for Qt in C#?

  • Qyoto? (apparently it's still unstable in Windows.)
  • qt4dotnet?
  • other?


  • fast
  • should just work and be polished - i.e. no weird problems at every step
  • integration with the buildsystem, uic, resources, etc, should work well

In fact I'd appreciate any experiences that you can share about using Qt with C#.

Edit: I'm now in the middle of a major project using qt4dotnet together with OpenTK. Feel free to ask me questions.


I think the QT Bindings for C#/.NET are not working like you wanna have it. The main problem is that there is no really community which is woking continues on this projects.

Timur Zanagar