I'd like to decode a SWF file into its base FLA file and then recompile that back into an SWF. Can this be done using C#?
The fla format changes every version of the Flash IDE but really it is just a container, I would suggest looking into the CS5 uncompressed fla format which will be easer to generate but you still need all of the byte code out of the swf, I would look at the actionScript library http://github.com/claus/as3swf for the basics but you are still going to need to write a conversion layer back into the fla.
Tyler Larson
2010-06-11 17:03:36
Do you know of anything written in .NET? do you know if this can even be done in .Net? I think that link is a good start but I would prefer something in a language i'm familiar with if it exists
2010-06-15 04:27:08