Delphi strings use single quotes, for example 'a valid string'. How does one specify the ' character within a literal string? How would one refer to the null byte (Unicode code point U+0000)?
To add a single quote to a string you do 2 ' marks e.g.
str := '''test string''';
In the string above you have the normal single quotation to start a string and then two for the single quote. Same goes for the end of the string.
You can also use # followed by a number for other escape character e.g.
For a new line:
str := 'Newline' + #13 + #10
or just
str := 'Newline'#13#10
Of course using the platform dependant constant for new line is better
2008-11-19 16:15:40
The only issue with the #13#10 is that the compiler will generate a warning if the +'s are missing. It will compile and run fine, but with warnings.
2008-11-19 18:59:04
When did the compiler start issuing warnings about that? I know it didn't do that in Delphi 5, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't do that Delphi 2005. What warning does it print now?
Rob Kennedy
2008-11-19 21:10:17
For ' character put it twice. For example: 'Don''t'. Null byte type as #0.
2008-11-19 16:17:15
To answer the last part of the question, you can use
To add U+0000
This way you can add the other Unicode chars too. (Be sure to use a font that can display those characters.)
2008-11-19 16:28:34