




I have a class with 3 List collections like the following.

I am trying to have a logic which will iterate through the object's "collection" properties and do some operation using the data stored in those collections.

I am just wondering if there is an easy way of doing it using foreach. thanks

public class SampleChartData
        public List<Point> Series1 { get; set; }
        public List<Point> Series2 { get; set; }
        public List<Point> Series3 { get; set; }

        public SampleChartData()
            Series1 = new List<Point>();
            Series2 = new List<Point>();
            Series3 = new List<Point>();

I'm not entirely certain what you're trying to do, but perhaps something like this?

List<List<Point>> listOLists = new List<List<Point>>;

foreach(List<Point> sublist in listOLists)
    foreach(Point in sublist)
       // Do Something
I don't mind the downvote if there's a reason, but does this not solve the problem as stated?
I don't see a serious problem with this solution, as the question is a bit ambiguous as to whether the code needs to be generic for any class containing collections or if it's only for this particular class. You could also create a method that returns all series and yield return each series in turn. This would be the preferred solution (rather than Reflection) for a specific task like getting all data series for a chart.
Dan Bryant

Use Reflection to get the objects Properties. Then iterate over those to see is IEnumerable<T>. Then iterate over the IEnumerable properties

Greg B
With a caveat, strings also appear as IEnumerable
+2  A: 

Function to get all IEnumerable<T> from object:

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GetCollections<T>(object obj)
    if(obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
    var type = obj.GetType();
    var res = new List<IEnumerable<T>>();
    foreach(var prop in type.GetProperties())
        // is IEnumerable<T>?
            var get = prop.GetGetMethod();
            if(!get.IsStatic && get.GetParameters().Length == 0) // skip indexed & static
                var collection = (IEnumerable<T>)get.Invoke(obj, null);
                if(collection != null) res.Add(collection);
    return res;

Then you can use something like

var data = new SampleChartData();
foreach(var collection in GetCollections<Point>(data))
    foreach(var point in collection)
        // do work

to iterate through all elements.

haven't tried your solution, but look promising.thanks

You can use reflection to get the list of properties from the object. This example gets all the properties and prints their name and Count to the console:

public static void PrintSeriesList()
    SampleChartData myList = new SampleChartData();

    PropertyInfo[] Fields = myList.GetType().GetProperties();

    foreach(PropertyInfo field in Fields)
        var currentField =  field.GetValue(myList, null);
        if (currentField.GetType() == typeof(List<Point>))
            Console.WriteLine("List {0} count {1}", field.Name, ((List<Point>)currentField).Count);
Jeff Schumacher


Just found a quick solution, but maybe some of you have better ways of doing it. this is what I did.

SampleChartData myData = DataFeed.GetData();
Type sourceType = typeof(SampleChartData);
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in (sourceType.GetProperties()))
    if (pi.GetValue(myData, null).GetType() == typeof(List<Point>))
        List<Point> currentSeriesData = (List<Point>)pi.GetValue(myData, null);

        // then do something with the data