Im using jQuery's validation which can be found here:
I currently have some of my 'custom' rules set up like so:
else if(valID =="#shipForm")
$("#fName").rules("add",{regexName: "^[a-zA-Z]+(([\'\-][a-zA-Z])?[a-zA-Z]*)*$",minlength: 2,messages:{minlength:"Must be 2 characters."}});
$("#lName").rules("add",{regexName: "^[a-zA-Z]+(([\'\-][a-zA-Z])?[a-zA-Z]*)*$",minlength: 2,messages:{minlength:"Must be 2 characters."}});
$("#sAdd1").rules("add",{stringCheck: "",minlength:2,messages:{minlength:"Enter your complete street address."}});
$("#sAdd2").rules("add",{stringCheck: ""});
$("#city").rules("add",{stringCheck: "",minlength:2,messages:{minlength:"Enter the full name of your city"}});
$("#zipcode").rules("add",{stripZip: ""});
$("#phoneIn").rules("add",{stripPhone: "",maxlength:15,messages:{maxlength:"Phone number exceeds allowed length"}});
$("#altPhone").rules("add",{stripPhone: ""});
$("#state").rules("add",{checkMenu: ""});
$("#country").rules("add",{checkMenu: ""});
What I was hoping to do.. is abstracting the .rules out and being able to grab them from a function. My issue is that they are not just strings, so im lacking an idea of how i could bring info from another function and populate the .rules("passed value of rule")
This doesnt work but this is an example of something i was kinda hoping for
function getRule(rule)
switch (rule)
case "fName":
return "\"add\",{regexName: \"^[a-zA-Z]+(([\'\-][a-zA-Z])?[a-zA-Z]*)*$\",minlength: 2,messages:{minlength:\"Must be 2 characters.\"}}";
But I obviously cant just pass a string back and run it back into the .rules.
Any idea's?