




I'm using an up-to-date .NET Reflector to disassemble an internal legacy app whose source code is almost impossible to recover. I need to find the cause of a nasty bug, and then possibly patch it. Reflector did a good job as usual in the re-creation of the project's structure, but soon I discovered that some property calls were left "expanded" to its get_() and set_() method signatures, rendering the source code impossible to compile.

At first, I thought that every get/set call had the problem. But at a closer look, several of them are OK, while others (especially OleDbCommand and Forms.Control properties) will be generated as get_() and set_().

A quick Visual Studio "Search/Replace" with regex solved these cases, but it's awkward. Is there a way to make Reflector behave correctly?

EDIT 1 - Sample problematic code below:

/* Generated by .NET Reflector */
/* The variable selectCommand is a OleDbCommand. */
string parameterName = "@P" + Convert.ToString(num);
selectCommand.set_CommandText(selectCommand.get_CommandText() + " WHERE SIGLA = " + parameterName);
   Expected something like this (as ugly as it may seem):
   selectCommand.CommandText = selectCommand.CommandText + " WHERE SIGLA = " + parameterName;

EDIT 2 - The assembly was built in Release mode.


Where are you viewing the source code in Reflector? In the current version ( at the time of this writing), disassembling a type then clicking on "Expand Methods" at the bottom yields a full class definition with code, including the correct property syntax (get { ... } and set { ... })

Adam Robinson
Sorry, I meant property calls, not their declaration, which are fine. (I just edited my question.)
@Humberto: I'm still not seeing this behavior. In my version, property gets and sets are done using property syntax, not `get_()` and `set_()`.
Adam Robinson
@Humberto: I've also tested using the Export function, and it also generates the correct syntax.
Adam Robinson
@Adam, I'm very puzzled. I did Export too! I just disassembled a sample project and the problem arose in both Debug and Release builds.
@Humberto: I've been testing it on .NET framework assemblies.
Adam Robinson
@Adam, same here. Many properties are shown just fine... it's so weird that I've given up for now, and I'm debugging through other means. Great thanks for you all!

This problem appears with disassembling to Managed C++, right? Might want to disassemble to C# code (there is dropdown in the toolstrip) and you will get the usual properties.

Not really, it's all C# code. Thanks anyway.
In my reflector ( I see normal properties when disassembling to c#. So your problem is elsewhere.
@Femaref, I've included some code to illustrate the issue. Thanks!
I tested it with my code, and I get the normal syntax. Do you might have any plugins running?
It's a vanilla Reflector, no plugins. Did you compile your test in Debug mode? Mine's a Release mode assembly.
tested both, both produce valid properties.