I have a server that has several clients C1...Cn to each of which there is a TCP connection established. There are less than 10,000 clients.
The message protocol is request/response based, where the server sends a request to a client and then the client sends a response.
The server has several threads, T1...Tm, and each of these may send requests to any of the clients. I want to make sure that only one of these threads can send a request to a specific client at any one time, while the other threads wanting to send a request to the same client will have to wait.
I do not want to block threads from sending requests to different clients at the same time.
E.g. If T1 is sending a request to C3, another thread T2 should not be able to send anything to C3 until T1 has received its response.
I was thinking of using a simple lock statement on the socket:
lock (c3Socket)
// Send request to C3
// Get response from C3
I am using asynchronous sockets, so I may have to use Monitor instead:
Monitor.Enter(c3Socket); // Before calling .BeginReceive()
Monitor.Exit(c3Socket); // In .EndReceive
I am worried about stuff going wrong and not letting go of the monitor and therefore blocking all access to a client. I'm thinking that my heartbeat thread could use Monitor.TryEnter() with a timeout and throw out sockets that it cannot get the monitor for.
Would it make sense for me to make the Begin and End calls synchronous in order to be able to use the lock() statement? I know that I would be sacrificing concurrency for simplicity in this case, but it may be worth it.
Am I overlooking anything here? Any input appreciated.