





I would like to know now days with the new PalmOS Web development platform on the market, what tools can I use to develop try and deploy software to a Palm with Palm OS 5.


PD: If you can provide me real URL addresses I would be very grateful.

+2  A: 

You can still download the 2004 Garnet OS Development Suite from ACCESS. This is the Eclipse CDT-based environment for building applications using 68K and ARM C/C++ compilers. They also have documentation online.

Ben Combee
Thanks for the answer dude... just what I was looking for. I also found today by myself the MIDP for Palm OS of Sun, and It also looks to have what I need.http://developers.sun.com/mobility/midp/articles/palm/My intention is to write a program to use the camera of the Palm Zire 72 in one automated process using also other characteristics of this device such as bluetooth.
Jean Paul