Is there a difference between Cursor.Current and this.Cursor (where "this" is a WinForm) in .Net? I've always used this.Cursor and have had very good luck with it but I've recently started using CodeRush and just embedded some code in a "Wait Cursor" block and CodeRush used the Cursor.Current property. I've seen on the Internet and at work where other programmers have had some problems with the Cursor.Current property. It just got me to wondering if there is a difference in the two. Thanks in advance.
I did a little test. I have two winforms. I click a button on form1, set the Cursor.Current property to Cursors.WaitCursor and then show form2. The cursor doesn't change on either form. It remails Cursors.Default (pointer) cursor.
If I set this.Cursor to Cursors.WaitCursor in the button click event on form1 and show form2, the wait cursor only shows on form1 and the default cursor is on form2 which is expected. So, I still don't know what Cursor.Current does.