




I believe this question has been asked a lot of times, and I have managed to overcome this problem before whenever it occurred. Just now, I feel stuck with it and can't find a proper solution to make it work in all browsers: it does work properly only in Firefox, while in IE and Safari its elements are somehow apart from each other. You can see the result here:

This is the code I use:

Thank you very much in advance!

+1  A: 

In addition to the padding misspelling (invalid CSS), those other browsers calculate the cell heights differently. In IE, the height is added to the padding.

Change this:

  .top_menu {
      background-image: url(images/header.png);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      height: 155px;
      font-family: LilyUPC;
      padding-left: 184px;
      padding-top: 120px;

To this:

  .top_menu {
      background-image: url(images/header.png);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      font-family: LilyUPC;
      padding: 120px 0 1em 184px;
Brock Adams
Thanks very much! This makes things much better, but there is still some space between the table elements, just where the borders are supposed to be, but I have already set for the table in an inline style="border-style: hidden;" - isn't it supposed to remove any space between the elements, just like in Firefox?
No versions of Internet Explorer (including IE8) support the property values "inherit" or "hidden" for `border-style`. Use "none". For other issues, use a reset (EG: and *validate your CSS*.
Brock Adams
Thank you very much again!