



The reason I want this is so that when the overlay shows a WHITE Background, I can add "webkit-transition-duration" property to allow the white background to nicely fade-in and out using the GPU.

But problem here is that JQUERY seems to remove/add the overlay div every time the dialog is run.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

Sure do not make the dialog modal and create the overlay yourself

set the option modal: false;

  modal: false
  open: function () {
     //create your own overlay div here.
  close: function () {
     // remove your overlay div here.
  //other options as needed

now create the overlay div yourself.

John Hartsock
I was afraid you'd say that :)
@noobish look above i edited my answer. you could attempt to hijack the overlay div that jquery.dialog creates in the close method of the dialog. Im pretty sure this wont work but maybe worth a try. if all else fails. you can always create the overlay your self and then manipulate how it disapears in the close method.
John Hartsock