



i am using modalpopup to enter some value in a textfield. after the value is selected in the modalpopup view, the modalpopup is closed and the value has taken the propriate value. Even if the value is displyed in the textfield, the textfield1.text returns me string empty. when i see the source code (html), i see that even that the textfield is displaying something it hasn't really this value in it, because the appropriate html input field hasn't value yet.

thats the code i use to fill this textfield.

function CloseRequestModal(s)
        document.getElementById('<%=txtRequest.ClientID%>').value = s;

        var mpu = $find('<%=ModalPopupExtender3.ClientID%>');

Please Help, Thanks in advance.


I would need to see source HTML cause it looks like you have template language mixed into your javascript but perhaps instead of "textfield1.text" you use "textfield1.value"?

Additionally, you would need to view "generated" source (with a browser plugin) or inspect the node with web inspector on safari/chrome or firebug on firefox in order to see the change that you made with javascript.

textfield1.value does not exist in server side. i have seen the generated source, and i see that the value of the input textfield doesn't have any value, even if it displays something.