



any recommendations about those inno setup scripts so the compiled install run smoothly on windows 7?


Inno Setup has full support for Windows 7. Just make sure to use the latest version of Inno Seup, preferably the Unicode edition.

Andreas Rejbrand
+2  A: 
  • Don't install anything to user-directories. Assume the installer will be run from a different account than the one that will use the installed application.
  • If you need to save user-specific stuff install it as a template to a shared location (ideally read-only to regular users, e.g. under {app}) and have your application copy it from there on first startup.
  • Don't create Quick Launch shortcuts
Oliver Giesen
I use DestDir: like {sys}\; and {app}\I got problem with my "INI" file witch the user could modify.Witch {} location should I use for this if I want to share it to all users?
I also go a ".mdb", witch need to create a "LDB" and goes in a {app}\subFoler\ by default (the location is modifiable). where should I put it i I need To share it.
@DavRob60: Where you put user-modifiable files depends on whether the modifications should be per-user or per-machine. If they're per-user I'd put them under `{userappdata}`, otherwise under `{commonappdata}`. The important thing is that copying to `{userappdata}` should not be done by the installer but by the app itself.
Oliver Giesen
+1  A: 

Oliver Giesen's suggestion is what I'm using, but it has a disadvantage... there seems to be no way to remove the {userapppdata} folders for all users when uninstalling the program, meaning you can never do a clean uninstall/reinstall.
