




I'm new to TDD approach so I'm wondering if anyone experienced wit this could enlighten me a little. I would like to get some leads how to use UML and TDD methodology together.

I've been used to: Design with UML --> Generate skeleton classes (and then keep it synchronized) -> Implement and finally Test. I must admit that testing part was the worst one, so I started to look for something else - TDD. So I have some general knowledge what is it about but before I proceed further, I am interested knowing how it goes together with software design especially UML.

So when I first design/create test, how can UML fit in? Would it be possible to design classes first, from them create skeleton classes, from them generate Unit tests which would be "filled" before actual implementation of UML pregenerated classes, would this approach break whole TDD? Or is there any other way that would keep UML and TDD together?

+2  A: 

UML is the design part, of course.

I'd only use it on the system I was ending up with. Rendering test classes in UML seems ludicrous to me.

I'd use it to get a general sense of what I was creating. Then I'd start with TDD to implement it.

As far as keeping it in synch, I'd get a UML tool that was capable of import and export. I'd worry more about the code and less about UML. It's useful for capturing your thoughts and documenting later, but not much else. I'd always prefer working, tested code over diagrams any day.

+5  A: 

If you're designing classes using UML, you're designing what you think the code will look like. But what you create using TDD is the reality.

Leave UML until the end, to document the results of the code you created using TDD.

John Saunders
@Downvoter: you don't matter unless you say _why_ you downvoted.
John Saunders
+3  A: 

While some people think UML is a design methodology, it is first and foremost a communication tool. Hence the name, Unified Modeling Language. The idea is to have common vocabulary (of shapes) that you can insert in a book and everybody will understand.

TDD on the other hand is a design methodology, the way to construct the system starting from its interface and its consumer, and only then adding the implementation.

Once your design has emerged as a result of applying TDD, you can communicate that design using UML. If you don't need to communicate (like if you're the only developer), you arguably don't need UML.

Some people think of domain analysis (identifying key Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives and building a basic ontological model) as being a part of UML methodology, reflected in the use case & ER diagrams... This may be useful to do before you jump into TDD red/green/refactor cycle. Then again, strictly speaking this is DDD (Domain Driven Design), not UML per se.

+3  A: 

So when I first design/create test, how can UML fit in? Would it be possible to design classes first, from them create skeleton classes, from them generate Unit tests which would be "filled" before actual implementation of UML pregenerated classes, would this approach break whole TDD? Or is there any other way that would keep UML and TDD together?

If you create an entire skeleton class - by which I assume you mean a class with all methods defined but empty - before writing your first test, then I would say you are not doing TDD, and lose the benefits of TDD. As we do TDD - Test-Driven Design - our tests incrementally lead us to the next elements - methods and classes - that our program needs. If you have predetermined, pre-specified in UML, what your classes and methods are, a great deal of your design is already done, and either your subsequent development is constrained to follow it, or you have wasted effort that subsequent work will undo.

There may be ways to use both UML and TDD together for design, but as you have described it, you are doing the design within UML, before TDD ever gets a chance. That won't give you the full benefit of TDD.

Carl Manaster