Something is wrong with my MongoConfiguration I think, I read the following on NoRM's google group:
On Mar 22, 3:14 am, Andrew Theken wrote:
It can easily live in the object:public class POCO{
//implicitly runs one time.
static POCO(){
MongoConfiguration.Initialize(cfg=> cfg.For<POCO>(f=>
public string ALongProperty {get;set;}
public int AnotherLongProperty{get;set;}}
//Andrew Theken
In my class I have
public class Item
static Item()
cfg=> cfg.For<Item>(
c => {
c.ForProperty(i => i.Name).UseAlias("N");
c.ForProperty(i => i.Description).UseAlias("D");
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Description { get; set; }
After I save them there are items in DB with short key namse, the problem is when I try to read up all previously created items on start I get no items back.