



I know this might sound awful.

Is there any implementation of .NET for Mac computers so I can write C++.NET apps for the library (like GTK+ etc.)?

+8  A: 

Mono will run on a mac.

Joel Coehoorn
Note that Mono doesn't implement all .Net features, and doesn't implement the latest version of .Net. Having said that, it DOES support enough for most applications.
Eric J.
So is there a C++/VB/C# compiler as well?
It appears OP wants a C++ solution, which Mono doesn't provide out of the box (yet). However, yes there's a C# compiler.
@Ericbut mono implements some features .net doesn´t have like LINQDB
Patrick Säuerl
@Patrick: Won't help him if he's looking for a cross-platform solution, unless the users install Mono on .Net (but then, where's the point of implementing the .Net interface ...?)
Eric J.
@Eric J - mono released their fully-compliant .net 4 implementation _before_ microsoft. They're missing a few things, but these days it's pretty complete.
Joel Coehoorn
@Eric Also, the question specifically asks about GTK, and so mono is likely to be a very good fit in that respect. The c++ issue is another story.
Joel Coehoorn
@Shimmy - there are C# and VB.Net compilers (with perhaps F# on the way), but I don't think there's a C++. And really you'd do yourself a favor to _not_ use C++.Net
Joel Coehoorn
@Eric: my comment wasn´t about the question it was just to say that mono (might?) lack some microsoft .net features but has some other nice features which microsoft .net doesn´t have in returni just wanted to state that there are two sides of the coin
Patrick Säuerl
@Joel: I'm pretty surprised in a pleasant way. Been a while since I seriously looked at Mono. I'll be sure and check it out!
Eric J.
@Patrick: Sure, I just wanted to make it clear that those are Mono features and not .Net features implemented by Mono (and therefore require a Mono install on Windows to use).
Eric J.
My question is basically if a we can ever make a .NET dll or EXE work on Mac.

You should be able to run Mono on Mac.


If you want to compile c++ on a mac, why do you want .net? Especially when you use GTK+?

Stephan Eggermont
Who downvoted? Maybe it should have been a comment, but this is a valid question. C++/CLI or whatever they're calling these days isn't exactly the most elegant of platforms.
Joel Coehoorn