




First of all Thank You for looking.

whats the best method for make an advance click counter (eg. order by views [today] | [yesterday] [this week] [last week] [this month] [last month] [all time] ).

Is it better to use a flat file or mysql?.

This is the MYSQL Structure i came up with.

id (type: int(11)) link_id (type: int(11)) date (type: date) counter (type: int(11))

please can you advice me on whats the most effective way of doing this.


SQL used with proper indices. SQL data are essentially stored on disk, what makes them more valuable is the fact indices make finding specific records/data faster.

Your scheme should look something like:

Links(id:int, href:string)
Clicks(link_id:int, time:int, counter:int)
thanks for your respond and i already have the links table setup just want to add cliks
what am i doing wrong here?mysql_query("INSERT INTO views SET site_id='{$id}', time='{$time}' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE views=views+1") or die('Could not update data: ' . mysql_error());
I've never encountered this syntax before but straight away I could tell that your Update subquery needs more work; eg, include the table name? views seems to be both a table AND a column? Isn't that a little ambiguous?
thanks for the reply but i dont think you have use "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" before it was released on mysql 4.1, i think most people don't take the advantage of it