




When I try to debug my program today I get "The requested operation requires elevation" (Vista of course). Why today? I've not changed anything the reads/writes to the registry or hard drive, where should I look?


+1  A: 

If it is just Visual Studio complaining (and not an underlying security issue of your code), you can set Visual Studio to automatically run as admin.

James Van Huis

I'm running it in VS, it's a simple enough app. How can I find out why Vista is requiring elevation? It must be something trivial as a version I have from 2 days ago requires no elevation! Bl**dy Vista!


Just compiled the exe and now the exe require elevation outside of VS! The only interaction with the local PC is a read from the user part of the registry but that was in days ago when it worked without elevation.


Did you change the EXE output name? Vista will auto-elevate for things with Setup or Install in the name. Did you (or someone else) add a manifest file asking for elevation? If it worked fine a few days ago, and now doesn't, look in source control to see what's changed...
Roger Lipscombe