i want to use the mootools library to do animation & ajax in a widget i'm building.
i plan to have the widget write itself into the page so the end user just deploys a single line of javascript.
i'm concerned about the compatibility issues that may arise if my widget is used on a page which is already using another library.
short tests show problems even when enclosed in a self executing function if scriptaculous is already loaded, although jquery doesn't seem to cause a problem.
what is the best solution to this?
is there any way to load mootools in isolation so i can just use it for my purposes?
i see that jquery, whilst unfamiliar to me, is highly namespaced and therefore probably more appropriate to the task, would using that instead alleviate any potential problems?
can i just copy and paste mootools into my self executing function?
nb: the following error when using with prototype comes as a result of using mootool's setStyle method.
element.style is undefined
element.style.cssText += ';' + styles;