I'm wondering if there is any way to create a User Account on a Windows XP machine that can be done through scripting from an ActiveX control on a webpage. Specifically, I'd like to know if there's any way to deploy an ActiveX control with computers (that I preconfigure and ship) that will allow use of my webpage from that computer to detect that the ActiveX control is present, and allow for automated creation of local (Windows XP) user accounts on the computer. Essentially, consider this to be a question of preinstalling an ActiveX control (if necessary) and providing a link on the desktop; the user receives the machine and logs on (with admin rights) and goes to a web site, where my server determine what the appropriate user accounts are, sends them back as HTML, and the ActiveX control creates the user accounts I specify.
This sort of thing seems like it should be possible, but at the same time, there are obvious security flaws that are potentially involved. Access to these machines will be very limited, so the security issues are less of a concern.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Do any of the built in WMI components do anything like this? Is this even allowed by the security model of XP? Or is this just opening up a huge security hole that should be avoided entirely?