



Hi Everyone,

I have a shared object through net remoting. The problem is that this object has some EntitySet and EntityRef attributes. When I try to run the program I get an exception telling me that EntitySet is not marked as Serializable. If I mark it as Serializable everything seems to be ok, but when I try to access from outsied to the attribute represented by the EntitySet, I am not able to use it.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

BTW, Does anyone know how change the default binary serialization of tcp channel?


Try to mark the individual attributes and properties as serializable as well, this should get you access to those properties as well.

a note is all events on the Set also need to be serialized.

thanks. That was the first thing I did. I decorated EntitySet with either [NonSerialize()] and Serializate options. The problem is that all classes involved in the class that you are trying to serialize have to be serializable aswell. EntitySet heritates from a lot of Interfaces which makes it complicated to serialize an attribute of that type.

I think that the thing goes over here:

There is an example which deals with EntitySet and serialization.

Another clue in the way of finding the path:"Q. When I try to serialize, I get the following error: "Type 'System.Data.Linq.ChangeTracker+StandardChangeTracker' ... is not marked as serializable."A. Code generation in LINQ to SQL supports DataContractSerializer serialization. It does not support XmlSerializer or BinaryFormatter. For more information, see Serialization (LINQ to SQL)." from:

I have finally reached the solution, let me explain:

In LinqToSQL for registering a relationship between two tables (for example 1:M) you have to declare an EntitySet on the M side and an EntityRef on the other one.

In my case I have a private attribute which stands for the EntitySet, and a public accessor for modifying it. Considering Linq to Sql needs explicit decoration serialization through DataContract (for classes) and DataMember (for attributes) the problem was that I decorated the public attribute but not the private one.

After that everything rocks! (I have lost many hours, but I have learned a lot of Serialization)
